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really fun and challenging!


a remake of one of the most cursed puzzle games i've ever played that adds some of the most cursed multiplayer i can imagine. the perfect mix of delightful and loathsome. in being a remake of the Wipeout mode of "It's Mr. Pants," one of the most losable games of all time, Dr. Thongs positions itself as a bold statement that all of the things we do matter, that every attempt to clean up the naughty mess has meaning

New lore: Dr. Thongs is and always was a doctor of philosophy


Dr. Thongs.

He is the man of the people. The cubes must become rectangles, such is the way of the world.

Game's fun


I was just chilling minding my own business and you have to go and drop a game of the year contender in my lap??? This game's incredible, thank you for your hard work.

Thank you Ratttz! That's very kind.

I think it's pretty good.